Covid Policies in place for each State with DealerTech!

COVID 19, we care about your dealership's health ...


DealerTech manages many dealerships throughout the Eastern United States.  And while COVID Restriction in Florida may be totally different than those in place in New Jersey, Virginia or any state, DealerTech takes this threat seriously.

What is DealerTech doing to help with the COVID crises?

1.)  We make every attempt to handle your dealership issues remotely and that usually is around 95% of all calls coming into our call center!

2.)  If we need to dispatch remote techs, our vans our constantly supplied with sanitized wipes, hand sanitizer, masks and Nitrile gloves.

3.)  We will always check in with the receptionist or manager in charge to let them know prior to starting any field work at your location.

4.)  If needed, our techs will bring in their own keyboards and mice so as to not chance any spread by touching any dealership hardware.

5.)  We will clean any areas that we may have touched with sanitized wipes when all work is completed.

6.)  We will always check out with the receptionist or manager in charge to let them know that we have completed all repairs as needed.

7.)  We always use hand sanitizer before getting out of our vans and before getting back into our vans.

8.)  If one of our techs gets COVID 19, we will alert those dealerships that the tech has visited. 

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Mar 31, 2020 Category: General Posted by: admin
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